Thursday, September 25, 2008

Idaho Trip

I made my fall pilgrimage to Idaho this year. I've missed it the last couple of years. I saw friends married, friends kids I've not met,
St. Augustine's Mascot Auggie the Doggie and some beautiful Icons written by my adopted Italian Grandmother, Carla Kappler.
John Paul II
Blessed Theresa of Calcutta
St. Augustine, our Patron.

This St. Francis cross used to hang in the office of our 'Mother Theresa,' assistant, second mom and listener extraordinaire.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day

I did nothing I intended, took many roads less traveled and found some semblance of peace in a CRV with with five people and fourteen boxes of books entitled: A Brief History of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. (Click title for further information)

We stopped in Hubbard, OR to visit the church where my folks were married 30 years ago this month.

And then went on to Canby, OR to ride the Phoenix and Holly Railroad at the Flower Farmer.

And ended the trip with a ferry ride on the Canby Ferry.

What a great day!