Sunday, January 13, 2008

Fridge Letters, Street, and No Trespassing sign (Activity 12)

A message to my brother about borrowing his DVD's it's much cheaper than going to the video store. Mel Brooks has created some of my favorite movies: Young Frankenstein, Robin Hood: Men in Tights and of course, SpaceBalls. I saw SpaceBalls a half-dozen times before watching Star Wars. Many of the lines sailed right past me as I had missed that generation. I remember my parents not being thrilled that I had seen it. We were pretty much a Disney movie family, nothing over rated G until I was in Junior High. Of course, the rule faltered at friends houses and when sitters were over. I saw Indiana Jones, Top Gun and Dragnet in pieces several times before being allowed to see the entire film. Top Gun and Dragnet were hidden in the dresser, not for children to watch. I also had a couple of sitters who would allow me to stay up late and watch something with them after my brother and sister had gone to bed.

And now to Bein' Green. (It's not easy according to Kermit the Frog and he wo
uld know). Yoda on the other hand, while having the same issues: a small, green puppet voiced by Frank Oz and later a C.G.I. swordsman through the work, presumably of Industrial Light and Magic, is another of our favorite characters. However, the inspiration behind Yoda Lane is the Sound of Music. I have not seen many movies where Yoda-ling occurs. Sorry, bad pun I know. I take full responsibility for hanging out with punsters. What can I say, they're my other family and I love 'em.

And finally my No Trespassing sign. Appropriate that it's attached to a fence as I ride my bicycle and often use fence posts to lock up. I do drive a car, but gas is just expensive. And such is life.

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